Metabolism and metabolism of toxins .. Oxidation, reduction or mimicry stimulation of enzymes in liver cells. Coupling with glucuronic acid or glycerin

After entering the toxins, they are subjected to a number of transformations that turn them into more polarized materials that are easily expelled outside the body. These transfers usually take place in two stages:
Phase 1: These toxins are oxidized, reduced or hydrolyzed. These chemical processes stimulate a number of enzymes, especially in liver cells. The most important enzymes that contribute to oxidation are the 450 cytochrome p 450, which has a high concentration in hepatic cells .
Phase 2: Conjugation of the initial phase results in some radicals, such as conjugation with glucoronic acid, glycin, acetylation, or sulfoconjugation. These transformations aim to make the toxic substance less toxic And more polarized, which is easier to put out of the body through the urinary system in particular, but some of these transformations may lead to the formation of compounds more toxic and harmful than the original material. For example, oxidation of methyl alcohol to formaldehyde, which causes blindness that occurs in those with alcohol.
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