A 43-year-old man who is known to have Wolff-Parkinson White syndrome presents to the Emergency Department with palpitations. He has no other significant history of note. The palpitations started around 4 hours ago and are not associated with chest pain or shortness of breath. On examination blood pressure is 124/80 mmHg and the chest is clear on auscultation. An ECG show atrial fibrillation at a rate of 154 bpm. Of the following options, what is the most appropriate management?
A.A Adenosine
B.A Flecainide***
C.A Verapamil
D.A Digoxin
E.A Sotalo.
A.A Adenosine
B.A Flecainide***
C.A Verapamil
D.A Digoxin
E.A Sotalo.