8 years old come with fractured max incisor tooth with incipient exposed pulp after 30 min of the trauma, what’s the suitable rx.. Direct pulp capping

8 years old come with fractured max incisor tooth with incipient exposed pulp after 30 min of the trauma, what’s the suitable rx:
a- Pulpatomy
b- Direct pulp capping***
c- Pulpectomy
d- Apexification.

Pulp coating is a root canal procedure that is performed for preventive purposes to avoid irreversible damage to the pulp as well as preserve pulp vitality when it is affected by inflammation or infection. In other words, its objective is to avoid the need to perform a total pulpectomy.

It is indicated in cases of deep caries that does not affect the pulp, pulpitis (inflammation of the pulp) caused by trauma of the tooth, inflammation of the pulp that can cause irreversible damage or in cases of chronic pulpitis that have not yet occurred Pulp tissue necrosis.
In this case, a cavity is made in the tooth to remove part of the carious tissue, but avoiding direct exposure of the pulp by leaving a thin layer of dentin to protect it. A medicine is then applied to the remaining dentin and the cavity is sealed so that it continues to work. After about six weeks, the cavity will be reopened to remove the remaining carious tissue and proceed to the final restoration of the tooth. With this procedure, in addition to stop the progression of caries, an irreversible pulp lesion is prevented and the remaining dentin is reinforced by stimulating the formation of reparative dentin.

It is performed when the pulp has been exposed because of a trauma, such as a fracture or breakage of the tooth, and a reversible pulpitis occurs. This technique is especially indicated in young patients, with the apex open or barely formed.
Pulp tissue exposed, in the absence of a bridge can suffer degeneration, atrophy and shrinkage or reduction. That is why in the direct pulp coating procedure, a drug (calcium hydroxide) is applied to the exposed pulp to try to preserve its vitality and achieve healing, since dentin formation is stimulated for the formation of a dentinal bridge. It is contraindicated in caries exposures, due to the possibility of inflammation and infection prior to exposure.
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