A child came to the clinic with continuous involuntary movement of his head and extremities and difficulty in vocal communication.. Cerebral palsy

A child came to the clinic 

Which of these can cause inability for proper movement and position control?

/ A child came to the clinic with continuous involuntary movement of his head and extremities and difficulty in vocal communication,

 the condition is described as?

A. Cerebral palsy***
B. Down syndrome
C. Epilepsy.

What is the main cause of cerebral palsy?

Cerebral palsy is usually caused by a problem that affects the development of a baby's brain while it's growing in the womb. These include: damage to part of the brain called white matter, possibly as a result of a reduced blood or oxygen supply – this is known as periventricular leukomalacia (PVL)

What are the characteristics features of child with cerebral palsy?

In most common presentation, cerebral palsy is characterized by spasticities, spasms, involuntary movements, unsteady gait and problems with balance. There can be joint and bone deformities and contractures. Scissor walking and toe walking are common among people with CP who are able to walk.

What do the major goals of therapy for children with cerebral palsy include?

The main long-term goal in treating Cerebral Palsy is to provide an individual with the highest degree of independence along with optimal quality of life.

What are the characteristics of cerebral palsy children?

Signs and symptoms appear during infancy or preschool years. In general, cerebral palsy causes impaired movement associated with exaggerated reflexes, floppiness or spasticity of the limbs and trunk, unusual posture, involuntary movements, unsteady walking, or some combination of these.

What condition causes involuntary movements?

Tardive dyskinesia causes repetitive and involuntary movements such as grimacing, eye blinking and other movements. Tourette syndrome. This is a neurological condition that starts between childhood and teenage years and is associated with repetitive movements and vocal sounds.

What disease causes involuntary movement?

Dystonia is a disorder characterized by involuntary muscle contractions that cause slow repetitive movements or abnormal postures. Some individuals with dystonia may have a tremor or other neurologic features.

What are the first signs of cerebral palsy in infants?

Some of the first signs of cerebral palsy in infants include stiffened muscles and/or joints, excessive drooling, high-pitched crying, feeding issues, overextended neck and/or back, and delay of developmental milestones.

What are involuntary muscle movements in kids?

Pediatric myoclonus is the term for quick, jerking movements in a child's muscles. These movements are involuntary – your child can't control them. They can have many different causes. Some forms are not serious (benign), while other forms can be symptoms of more serious underlying conditions.

Which clinical manifestations is found in a child with spastic cerebral palsy?

Spastic CP is characterized by jerky movements, muscle tightness and joint stiffness. This type of cerebral palsy often makes simple tasks more challenging, such as walking or picking up small objects. Some children with spastic CP also develop co-occurring conditions as a result of their brain injury.

Which type of cerebral palsy includes involuntary movements?

Dyskinetic Cerebral Palsy (also includes athetoid, choreoathetoid, and dystonic cerebral palsies) People with dyskinetic CP have problems controlling the movement of their hands, arms, feet, and legs, making it difficult to sit and walk. The movements are uncontrollable and can be slow and writhing or rapid and jerky.
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