There insulin and an insulin meals which the pancreatic Through excreted in response to a meal to eat, and there is a basal insulin which insulin is also important for the body and excreted over the nest Twenty-four hours. In fact in the first type of diabetes and when crashing beta cells Responsible for the secretion of insulin from the pancreas. The symptoms of diabetes appear. In this case, if it is not injected insulin for diabetic it is likely to die.
And now you ask a question after our understanding that there are insulin and meals and basal insulin, the medicine was able to invent insulin mimics insulin, which is secreted by the pancreas normal?
Yes. Medicine was able to discover and make insulin mimics insulin meals and do what they do insulin meals and was able to discover and make basal insulin mimics insulin and do what they do Basal insulin. These medical achievements are great.
Note: There are several ways to inject insulin, but we will talk only about the most commonly used method is insulin injection under the skin. Either using a needle insulin or insulin pen.
Now there are a lot of types of insulin existing pharmacies, since we understand what the meaning of insulin basal and insulin and meals it's best to write now types insulin and then we classify according to the kind you are insulin basal or insulin and meals or a combination of insulin?
We have as it is known in some people with diabetes insulin following compounds:
1. Regular
2. Actrapid
3. Novorapid
4. Apidra
5. , Humalog
6. NPH
7. Insulatard
8. Lantus
9. Levemir
11. Humalog mix
I understand what is the insulin you use, read his name and if you can not so let your doctor read it to you and tells you its kind, these are the types of insulin existing pharmacies (or mostly) are either to be used:
1 - Such as insulin of meals alone, such as: - Regular, Actrapid, Novorapid, Apidra, Humalog .
2 - Such as insulin base alone, such as: - The PHP (NPH), Lantos, Levemir.
3 - or a combination and a mixture of basal insulin and insulin and meals "insulin mixture", such as: - Mixtard, Humalog - Mix, Novomix.
sugary culture