Preventive methods to prevent diseases of the circulatory system
Recently became the general perspective of diabetes as one of the diseases of the circulatory system and the heart. And not only that diabetes is one of endocrine diseases caused by lack of the amount of insulin or lack of response to insulin secreted.
Leading cause of death in more than 65% of diabetics is due to heart disease and stroke.The reason for this is that excess sugar in the blood lead to an imbalance in And vascular function.
After that I knew this Work following preventive methods to prevent diseases of the circulatory system and the heart.
Pay attention to the values of blood sugar:
Work to maintain that blood sugar values are in reasonable rates and within the goals we seek. The cumulative analysis of blood sugar (hemoglobin A1c) .. It is one of the most important indicators of good control of blood sugar should be less than 7%. The cumulative analysis must be done for blood sugar (hemoglobin A1c) .. Twice a year at least to see whether things control blood sugar is fine or not.
Watch out for your blood pressure:
The goal is to have your blood pressure less than 130/80 mm Hg. You must have the blood pressure measured in each visit to the doctor supervising the treatment of diabetes.
Do not smoke:
Smokers are prone to heart disease from 2 - 4 times of times if compared to others smokers. ... Of course, if you have diabetes and you want to smoke ..It does not say you need to think about a lot ... Multiply the numbers in the 2!!.
Maintain normal weight:
Find the appropriate method to reduce weight if you are infected with obesity of the factors that help the health of the heart and circulatory system.
Maintaining the exercise:
The goal is 30 minutes a day for a period of 5 days a week. Of course you can do it ... But if you wish to do so.
Preserving the natural values of blood lipids:
May occur many disorders of blood fat for diabetics, especially Type II diabetes, such as:
Increased triglycerides.
It suggests the American Association of Diabetes, that the goal is to reach a value of cholesterol fatty low-density "LDL-C" to less than 100 mg / dL, and cholesterol fatty high-density (HDL-C) more times in the blood whenever this was useful for the body, and must be cholesterol fatty higher density in women more than 50 mg / dl, and in men more than 40 mg / dl As for fat triple (Triglyceride) must be less than 150 mg / dl., noting that the total cholesterol should be less than 200 mg / dL ..... If you do not want to remember or do not know these numbers Ask doctor about it.
Action to take medicines regularly and as planned:
Often each drug money you must have a particular goal .. Either to maintain the blood pressure or to maintain the natural proportions of fat or to treat high sugar .. All if you do not want to eat certain medications dispensed to you .. Should tell your doctor.
Taking tablets (pills) aspirin:
Studies show that taking low doses of aspirin a day reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack. But you should tell your doctor that you want to take tablets (pills) aspirin.
Abstained from alcohol:
Alcohol in large quantities cause high blood pressure or increase the proportion of triglycerides or both which leads to damage to the blood vessels and makes the patient more susceptible to diseases of the circulatory system and the heart. (Watch out, this does not mean that you are allowed to eat a little of it.
Underestimate of Stress:
stress related to heart disease, and the more stress was less health is better, And even reduce stress, study your priorities in your affairs, and be realistic, and select a time to end the specific work, and ask for the aid of others if needed.
Maintaining healthy eating:
especially a diet rich in vegetables and fruits, minimize fat intake whenever possible.
So this is a long list of do's and don'ts ... To maintain the integrity of the heart and circulatory system .. But I would advise the patient that works only two of the above instructions ... The more successful in two of the tips passed to two other instructions at the rate of two goals every three weeks or every month. ... Thus gradually until it works with all the instructions above ... Of course, if you want to work with all the instructions at the same time this is better. I repeat and say that the treatment of diabetes should be based on preemptive or preventive system .. Do not wait for a heart disease and then trying to find a proper treatment .. But .. Must work to prevent it from happening and ways to prevent them.
What are the 3 circulatory diseases?
Some circulatory diseases, such as stroke, heart attacks, and burst aneurysms, are life-threatening and need emergency medical attention.
What are the 3 importance of circulatory system?
The circulatory system carries oxygen, nutrients, and hormones to cells, and removes waste products, like carbon dioxide. These roadways travel in one direction only, to keep things going where they should.
What is the most common way to prevent diabetes?
You can prevent or delay type 2 diabetes with proven, achievable lifestyle changes—such as losing a small amount of weight and getting more physically active—even if you're at high risk. Read on to find out about CDC's lifestyle change program and how you can join.
Why is it important to reduce diabetes?
Diabetes can lead to heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, blindness, and lower-limb amputation. Recent research has also shown a connection between diabetes and dementia, hearing loss, and some forms of cancer. Diabetes increases the risk of early death, and diabetes-related complications can lower quality of life.
What are the main reasons of diabetes and heart diseases?
There is a strong link between diabetes and heart disease. These conditions share common risk factors, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, and more. Over time, uncontrolled high blood sugar can damage the blood vessels and nerves that control the heart.
Why is it important to reduce the risk of getting heart disease and diabetes?
People who have diabetes are between two and five times more likely to develop heart disease and stroke than people who don't. Uncontrolled diabetes contributes to damage to the blood vessels and the build-up of fatty deposits in the arteries, which increases the risk of heart disease and stroke.
What are the causes and prevention of diabetes?
Some types of diabetes — like types 1 and 1.5 — are caused by factors that are out of your control. Others — like type 2 — can be prevented by making better food choices, increasing activity, and losing weight.
What are 4 ways to prevent heart disease?
Try to limit saturated fats, foods high in sodium, and added sugars. Eat plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables, and whole grains. The DASH diet is an example of an eating plan that can help you to lower your blood pressure and cholesterol, two things that can lower your risk of heart disease. Get regular exercise.
How can you prevent heart disease and diabetes?
Eat fewer processed foods (such as chips, sweets, and fast food) and avoid trans fat. Drink more water, fewer sugary drinks, and less alcohol. Aim for a healthy weight. If you're overweight, losing even a modest amount of weight can lower your triglycerides and blood sugar.
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