Number of times
In One large study, which included about 3567 patients and patients infected with type II diabetes (type 2), in this study found that the command and control Better blood sugar in patients who are doing the most number of times Self-monitoring of blood sugar.
NOEL: The process of self-measuring blood sugar using blood sugar measuring devices (Glucometer).
Generally Views measuring blood sugar self depends on the type of treatment used, as shown in the following table:
Number of times a
blood test
Type of treatment
1 - 2 times
daily *
1 - 2 times
daily *
2 - 4 times a
3 - 6 times a
Diets Food
Grains (disks)
reduced sugar
Insulin injections
(once daily)
Insulin injections
(twice daily)
Insulin injections
(three or four a day)
Now what are the appropriate rates and good for sugar in different periods of the day for diabetics and which doctor seeks to achieve ,
And the patient should be sure to get this Alqraet
- First: Cumulative analysis of blood sugar should be less than 7%
- Second: Sugar before eating or fasting should be in the range of 90 - 130 Mg / dL.
- Third: Sugar after a meal an hour or two should be Less than 180 Mg / dL.
- Fourth: Sugar before bedtime should be in the range of 110 to 150 Mg / dL.
In the event that the patient can reach these goals, the likelihood of complications of diabetes at least to a great extent and enormous, and this on the basis of the findings of scientific research in this regard.
How long should I wait to recheck blood sugar?
Wait 15 minutes and then recheck your blood sugar. If your blood sugar is still less than 100 mg/dl, take another 15 grams of carbohydrate and retest your blood sugar in another 15 minutes. Repeat if necessary.
How long should you wait to retest blood sugar?
Typically, checking blood sugar two hours after a meal allows enough time for the body to digest the food from your meal and allow insulin to act. However, you should always speak to your healthcare provider to determine how long of a wait is appropriate for you.
What can cause false high blood sugar readings?
However, various factors such as application errors, extreme environmental conditions, extreme hematocrit values, or medication interferences may potentially falsify blood glucose readings. Incorrect blood glucose readings may lead to treatment errors, for example, incorrect insulin dosing.
How many times can we use Accu Chek needle?
Can I use a lancet more than once?
Lancets are for single use only due to hygienic reasons and because the needle will become dull with repeated use. Hence a new, sterile lancet should be used each time you perform a test.
How many times can we use glucometer needle?
A. Finger-stick blood samplers (lancet devices) are used to obtain blood for testing blood sugar (glucose). These devices consist of two parts: a “lancet holder” that looks like a small pen; and a lancet, which is the sharp point or needle that is placed in the holder. The lancets are only ever used once.
What is the limit on the number of times allowed to measure quantitative blood glucose in patients who are unable to do home monitoring?
In stable, non-hospitalized patients who are unable or unwilling to do home monitoring, it may be reasonable and necessary to measure quantitative blood glucose up to four times annually.
How many times can you check your blood sugar?
So how often should you test your blood sugar? The answer depends mostly on the status of your health and the demands of your daily life. People with type 2 diabetes should take a blood sugar reading at least once a day. Some may need to test as frequently as seven times a day.
How often should you check blood sugar when sick?
Follow these additional steps when you're sick even if your blood sugar is within your target range: Continue taking your insulin and diabetes pills as usual. Test your blood sugar every 4 hours and keep track of the results.
How many times should you self monitor blood glucose?
Most experts agree that insulin-treated patients should monitor blood glucose at least four times a day, most commonly fasting, before meals, and before bed.
sugary culture