Weaknesses in the erectile dysfunction in patients with diabetes is common and many but not inevitable, Must looking patient on methods of prevention and treatment.
Weaknesses in the erectile dysfunction in patients with diabetes is common, in fact, people with diabetes vulnerable to weakness in erection triple times compared with others living with diabetes. But you can reduce the incidence of this weakness, as there is a lot of treatment options. What does diabetes have weak erections?
Weakness in erection is erectile dysfunction or inability to maintain an erection of the penis to complete the mating process satisfactory image of the person.
Reasons for this situation are many and many of them:
▪ Cases of exhaustion.
▪ Stress (such as fear, anxiety)
▪ Depression.
▪ Incidents that affect the penis.
▪ Use of certain types of drugs.
But when they are infected with sugar ... The story is much longer:
Excess sugar in the blood may damage the nerves and blood vessels mechanism of the process of erection. You may be ready mentally for mating, but this readiness is not up to the penis, and therefore do not respond.
Some diseases of the blood vessels and the heart to be associated with diabetes, which leads to narrowing and hardening of the blood vessels, and this leads to a lack of the amount of blood flowing to the penis, and therefore erectile dysfunction or inability to maintain an erection.
, and therefore erectile dysfunction or inability to maintain an erection.
About 85% of people with diabetes may become infected not erectile dysfunction or weakness in the process of erection, in some stage of the disease, and the more Increased Duration of illness The greater the incidence of this condition, and whenever the patient is careless in dealing with diabetes which leads to Increasing severity of diabetes ... , The greater the incidence of non-erectile dysfunction or inability to maintain an erection.
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