The objectives of the treatment of diabetes.. Reduce the risk of retinopathy and diabetic kidney and nerves

The objectives of the treatment of diabetes:

1 - The complete control of the blood sugar level reduces the risk of retinopathy and diabetic kidney and nerves by 50 - 75%. 

2 - the percentage of glycated hemoglobin in the blood HBA 1 C Glycosylated Haemoglobin 7.2%. 

3 - the ratio of fasting blood glucose 80 - 120 mg / 100 mL (4.4 - 6.7 mmol / l) and be 100 - 140 mg / 100 mL (5.6 - 7.8 mmol / l) at bedtime. 

4 - to take care of personal measuring blood sugar at home regularly, and nutrition education for the patient of the most important factors controlling blood sugar and reduce Alamadagvat.
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