The effect of drug therapy on the level of sugar in the blood.. Insulin or tablets reduced sugar

The effect of drug therapy on the level of sugar in the blood

If the patient is found that follow the right diet and physical exercise and weight loss is not enough to control the level of sugar, it may be in need of drug treatment by insulin or tablets (by consulting a doctor). 

All patients with type I diabetes and some with type II in need of insulin therapy a day to make up the shortfall caused by the pancreas.

Insulin can not be taken in pill form because the stomach enzymes are attacked him and destroys it becomes ineffective on the body, so it must be taken by injection.

There are different types of insulin injections, there is a kind injection normal (syringe) Another type is output insulin by pumping, and through machine pumping insulin can control the amount of insulin each time and determine the amount required depends on the amount of food that has been eaten and the type of activity The patient's glucose level. But this type of insulin is not used only for people who are engaged in different activities and can control the level of glucose well.

The most common types of insulin is human insulin compound which is chemically identical dramatically with the human body and tissues, but is prepared in the laboratory. Yet it does not natural insulin function well.

Can insulin lower blood sugar too much?

Excess insulin in the bloodstream causes cells in your body to absorb too much glucose (sugar) from your blood. It also causes the liver to release less glucose. These two effects together create dangerously low glucose levels in your blood. This condition is called hypoglycemia.

What drugs affect insulin production?

Secretagogues, such as sulfonylureas and glinides, increase insulin secretion from the pancreas. Secretagogues are medicines that stimulate the beta cell to secrete insulin. Secretagogues include the sulfonylureas and glinides.

What drugs decrease insulin?

Medications used to manage hyperinsulinism include diazoxide, octreotide, nifedipine, glucagon, growth hormone, and glucocorticoids. The choice of medications varies with the etiology and severity of hypoglycemia in individual patients.

Does medication affect insulin?

Several different types of prescription medications can cause a blood sugar level increase because of how they affect your body's chemistry. Some medications, for example, decrease insulin production; others increase insulin resistance or glucose production.

How does insulin medication lower blood sugar?

It works by helping move sugar from the blood into other body tissues where it is used for energy. It also stops the liver from producing more sugar. All of the types of insulin that are available work in this way.

Which drugs lower or reduce blood glucose level?

Metformin (Fortamet, Glumetza, others) is generally the first medication prescribed for type 2 diabetes. It works primarily by lowering glucose production in the liver and improving your body's sensitivity to insulin so that your body uses insulin more effectively.

Can drugs affect your blood sugar?

If you take legal or illegal drugs, it may affect your blood glucose levels (BGLs). You should always remember the following: Know what you are taking. It's best to research the effects of the drug before deciding to try it.
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