"Psychological condition infect human thinking or his feelings or his judgment on things or his behavior and his actions to some extent require intervention to take care of this man, and treatment for his own benefit, or the benefit of others around him."
In general, say the existence of mental illness if there is a change in human behavior or thinking and feelings enough to negatively affect the course of his life, or reduce caused severe inconvenience to him or to others who are around him. It is help here to imagine the mental health like a wide range runs between perfect health and disease Certainly, taking into account that it is very difficult to specify the exact point that ends then the health situation to begin with the condition is normal. May vary the human condition on this area between health and disease, of time to time.
Between these two poles there is a vague area in the middle, where some cases of anxiety or mild depression, which may vary, people call it "the disease", or "natural state in difficult circumstances is a natural." One case, which is located in the region vague, emotional states, which may be reactions (responses) unexpected, for some incidents, such as sadness following the death of a relative, or grief after a mastectomy surgery.
Psychiatric Mental Health