Important Tips for infected diabetic.. Follow the diet and do physical sport

1 - patient awareness of the fact that diabetes is the basis of the treatment.
2 - follow the diet and do physical sports most important drug.
3 - You should seek the patient's sugar to reach your ideal weight gradually which is calculated in a manner roughly as follows (Height Balsntamitr subtractions from 103 kg for men or 105 kg for women) and the doctor is the one who determines the ideal weight for a patient by age, sex, height, weight, nature of work , type of diabetes.
4 - The daily walk half an hour twice or use stationary bike at home or do bodily movements a quarter of an hour twice a day of stress helps in reducing the percentage of sugar in the blood.
5 - prefer to take a big glass of water before eating or drinking a liter and a half of water a day.
6 - body weight and must register a Sbuaaa for weight control, and should be eating at specific times and according to the system daily meals without trouble.
7 - should be a lot of material in which multiplication fiber (vegetables).
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