Dissolves in human blood approximately 5 grams of glucose "fill a teaspoon." This sugar is the main source of energy for the work of the various organs of the body in humans. In order to burn the sugar and energy production, the body needs the hormone insulin and glucose that enters into the cells of the body to burn and produce energy.
And get the body to glucose often when eating foods containing carbohydrates such as: rice or bread or pasta or sugary substances such as: table sugar, or jam, or sweets. Where sugars are converted in the food in the gut into sugars Mono is mostly sugar Glucose. The basic sugary material In the blood.
And some sugars do not turn into sugar such as glucose fructose "fructose Fructose "Which is used as fuel for the cell., As well as Article carbohydrates" cellulose Cellulose "Where it can not be digested by humans or animals.
The proteins are converted into amino acids. Then the cells lining the wall of the small intestine absorb glucose and amino acids, and transferred to the bloodstream where it gets a sharp rise in the level of glucose in the blood. And alerts the rise in blood sugar beta cells in the pancreas to secrete the hormone insulin, which starts quickly in the blood. Insulin moves sugar and amino acids from the blood into the cells of the body, especially the liver and muscle cells.
In order to lead insulin function, it binds with proteins on the cell called "insulin receptors" It does two basic functions for glucose: First these receptors Koagafal operate gates, and when insulin binds, works as a key, open the glucose to enter the cell. The second function of the insulin receptors are sending signals to another protein called "Transmission glucose", which carries glucose into the cell to burn and produce the necessary energy for the activity and vitality of the body.
And insulin plays an important role in the chemical reactions inside most cells of the body, but its effect appears clearly in:
· Liver: insulin stores excess sugar from the body's need to generate energy in the liver in the form of glycogen (animal starch) to reproduce sugar him in time of need.
Does not stop the action of insulin at this point of discharge glucose uptake, but also to the formation of glucose in the liver of other vehicles amino Kalahmad .. It even works on the union of these amino acids together to form proteins as it helps protein in the construction process.
· Muscle: insulin stores excess sugar from the body's need muscle in the form of animal starch.
· Fat cells: insulin helps store excess glucose storage capacity of the liver and muscles in the form of fat in the fat cells in the body and reduces cracking these fats for use in time of need.
From this it is clear that the role of insulin is to stimulate the consumption of sugar in the cells with storage in the liver and muscles Vtkon collected reducing sugar in the blood.
benefits of insulin