Type 1 diabetes, type 2
Type I
in the case of non-pancreatic secretion of insulin or secretion of a small amount is sufficient.This type of diabetes occurs in about 5 to 10% of patients.
Type II
It is most prevalent among diabetics, and affects approximately 90 to 95% of patients with diabetes over the age of twenty. This type of diabetes was called in the past, the kind that affects adults (and that these patients do not use insulin mostly). But now change this concept because there are less than 20 people infected with this type, (and also because some of these patients were in the need to use insulin). This type of sugar when the pancreas secretes an insufficient amount of insulin, or when the cells start in insulin resistance.
Diabetes, either type I or II is not significant. Glucose to accumulate in the body leads to the occurrence of significant damage to many of the key organs in the body.
There is still no definitive treatment for diabetics. But we can say that proper nutrition, maintain moderate body weight and physical exercise helps to not getting sick.
And if you have already, a good diet and sports with drug therapy, which works to control blood sugar, helping to sustain life in a healthy and sound.
types of diabetes