Drugs for TB Anti-tuberculosis Drugs
It is anti-TB drugs isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide, and streptomycin (all of which are fatal to germs) and ethambutol (which is bacteriostatic) used in various combinations as part of treatment regimens recommended by the World Health Organization.
An additional medications backup anti-TB drugs (amikacin, acid p aminosalicylic, capreomycin, ciprofloxacin, cycloserine, ityonamid, Kanamycin, levofloxacin and ofloxacin) for the treatment of multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) must be used in specialized centers to meet standards of the World Health Organization to control tuberculosis.
Isoniazid ( (Isoniazide This medication is one of the deadly microbe drugs for tuberculosis, works through its effect on the DNA (DNA ) And also affect the acid Almikolk and affect the microbe inside and outside the cell.
rifampin (Rifampin ) And therefore is used in the treatment of Staphylococcus aureus (Staph ) And therefore is used in the treatment of gonorrhea (Gonorhoea ) And meningitis (Meningitis ) And is used in the treatment of tuberculosis (Tuberculous B .) And chlamydia (Clamydia ) And is used in the treatment of viruses(Viruses ) And treatment of leprosy (Leprosy ) And this works counter on DDT. N. A (DNA . ) And absorbs fully absorbed from the intestine and is ejected by the liver and small amounts through the urine and can cross the brain barrier and works to the spinal cord.
Alastrepettomitin Streptomycin The Alastrepettomitin cornerstone treat pulmonary Aldran a less effective (isoniazid) is the killer of microbes, but in the case of tuberculosis And affects the formation of proteins.
Alaithambetol / Ethambutol This is the opposite of antibiotics deadly microbe tuberculosis and works by the impact to be DNA (RNA ) And is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and is implemented through the checkpoint through the brain, but in the presence of inflammation of membranes meningitis.
Poor impact on tuberculosis microbe. So with the other drugs used to prevent immune 0, with rifampin does not give because it affects the absorption in the digestive tract.
kanamycin Kanamycin Ayyoumesen Viomycin Alcabarbomitin Capreomycin These antibiotics used in the case immune to other drugs a potent and similar side effects and these drugs will lead to adverse impacts on the hearing and kidney and Ayyoumesen leads to a change in sensitivity blood salts given with streptomycin.