Include antibodies APA A group of autoantibodies and antibodies specifically ACA And Alfosfotidil antibodies serine Antiphosphotidyl serine antibodeis As well as other autoantibodies Kaloddad DNA Anti-dsANA AMA And Antithyroid antibodies (ATA).
Associated antibodies APA IgG class Or IgM Or IgA Baahmyat phosphorous Phospholipids Negatively charged.
The most important types clinically and which have a close relationship recurrent spontaneous abortion, Is the so-called traditionally Boddad ACA And LA.
The APA antibodies Have
Associated antibodies APA IgG class Or IgM Or IgA Baahmyat phosphorous Phospholipids Negatively charged.
The most important types clinically and which have a close relationship recurrent spontaneous abortion, Is the so-called traditionally Boddad ACA And LA.
The APA antibodies Have
APA antibodies Negatively charged A group of women with immune diseases have experienced spontaneous abortions frequently or having vascular Crud, is that these women had to have antibodies to the negatively charged phosphorous lipids and heart fat with an increase in the level of IgG antibody .
The mechanisms influencing patients that have been identified include platelet membranes crash and damage the lining of the blood vessels caused by the inability to activated protein C, and inhibition Albroostoschaelin Prostocycline So recurrent spontaneous abortion may happen due to incompetence placental blood vessels Placental vascular .
Studies indicate that antibodies ACA Associated with each negatively charged phospholipids lipids.
Thus researchers focused on the study of antibodies ACA Including researchersLockshin et al., (1985) N made it clear that the level of antibodies ACA Is of predictive value about the risk of fetal loss or death in patients with SLE.
Thus researchers focused on the study of antibodies ACA Including researchersLockshin et al., (1985) N made it clear that the level of antibodies ACA Is of predictive value about the risk of fetal loss or death in patients with SLE.
Recent studies indicate the role of antibodies APA Against Alvesfotidil serine Phosphotidyl serine (PS) And mostly of the IgM class Inhibitors to form the placenta and the frequent occurrence of spontaneous abortion, Hence T a T importance antibodies ACA And LA APA Have been identified and the presence of such antibodies for the first time indirectly and that decades ago when he found that about 15% of patients with SLE.
And noteworthy here that the test VDRL Which determined the effectiveness of antibodies against the antigen (antigen reagent Reagent antigen) Which is a mixture of phosphorous containing lipids Alvesfotidil Colin Phosphotidyl choline (PC) CholesterolCholesterol And Cardiolipin heart fat (CL).
As non-specific antibodies reactive with this antigen observed in infections other than screw Treponemal infection Immune disorder and unrest resulting from the abuse of some medicines and even among some of the healthy people.
And noteworthy here that the test VDRL Which determined the effectiveness of antibodies against the antigen (antigen reagent Reagent antigen) Which is a mixture of phosphorous containing lipids Alvesfotidil Colin Phosphotidyl choline (PC) CholesterolCholesterol And Cardiolipin heart fat (CL).
As non-specific antibodies reactive with this antigen observed in infections other than screw Treponemal infection Immune disorder and unrest resulting from the abuse of some medicines and even among some of the healthy people.