Are usually mixing short-acting insulin with medium-acting insulin to mimic the natural cycle of the secretion of insulin from the body. For example there is a way that might be pursued in patients who can control the level of sugar they have a good way with three injections of insulin, which include a mixture of short-acting insulin with insulin Aloezovan average effect (NPH ) At dinner. The other way is by using four injection include injection separate from insulin short-acting at dinner and Aloezovan insulin before going to sleep, and this may be less dangerous to a sharp decline in blood sugar during the night than those recipe containing three injections of insulin.
And there is a mix of insulin Aezovan average effect and normal short-acting insulin intended for injection were mixed in the same syringe by the manufacturer for ease of use and to avoid error in the calculation of the proportion of mixing the two types of insulin when needed. For example, a mixture of 70% of Alaezovan with 30% of normal insulin and is known as the 30/70 Nobolin Or 30/70 Humolin. There is also a mixture of 50% of Alaezovan with 50% of normal insulin and is known as the 50/50 Humolin.
types of insulin