Crying in an infant:
Crying is a way for children in their early life to communicate with their parents, and children often cry a lot in the first three months, and this may happen for any reason, we have to understand what are the reasons for our children’s crying so that we can relieve them and meet their demands, the reasons for crying are different:
Newborn cries when hungry. Even if he has finished breastfeeding a short while ago. Sometimes, when the newborn is breastfed, he takes little milk and a lot of air, which reduces his sense of satiety, as he does not eat enough food. It may also lead to colic.
A newborn cries when it feels wet. Check the diaper and if it is wet or dirty, change it immediately
A newborn cries when he feels lonely and wants little attention. In that case, just hearing your voice or seeing you will make him happy. If this does not work, massage him or touch his hand to feel your presence. Although some believe that carrying the newborn all the time spoils or spoils it, this does not happen in the first months. Reassure me and hold him if the crying increases.
The newborn cries after feeding because his stomach is full of air and he is unable to vomit. Help him to squat by holding him on your shoulder and lightly tapping his lower back. Don't despair quickly, it may take a long time to censure.
the disease:
A newborn cries when it feels sick, whether it is flatulence, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, or when its temperature rises. Find out the cause of the crying and contact the doctor.
The newborn cries because of severe colic. It is a hysterical state of continuous crying of unknown cause. During it, the newborn waving his foot. Acute colic cases last at least 3 hours a day, 3 days a week. In these cases, continuous crying may cause you stress and anxiety
hot or cold:
The newborn cries if he feels hot or cold. Touch the back of his neck or stomach to see if he is suffering from heat or cold, and do not rely on touching his feet or hands because they do not express the temperature of your newborn. Use many light blankets instead of one heavy blanket, and reduce the number of covers when it is hot and increase it when it is cold.
the movement:
The newborn cries when he wants to be moved, either by changing his position (for example, if he is sleeping on his stomach, put him on his back) or by rocking or walking. Pick it up and do a simple spin around the house to change the look and feel.
A newborn cries when he feels tired and wants to sleep. Learn the signs of your baby's tiredness so you can put him to sleep before he starts crying.
Newborn Care