Tips for the safety of your infant when going down the sea

Taking the baby to the sea:

Most babies love water and enjoy a daily warm bath that helps them relax and feel comfortable. Your little one was originally a good swimmer when he was a fetus swimming in the amniotic fluid inside your womb. But does that mean you can take him to the sea?

When does your baby go to sea?

Doctors advise that the infant not go to the sea or the swimming pool until he can control the movement of his head and the stiffness of his neck, and it is better to wait until he is the first six months of his life, as his immune system is not yet complete, which puts him at risk of infection, so it is advised not to introduce him in any A kind of open water environment for the first months of his life to keep him safe.

Going to the sea is also associated with other factors that must be taken into account, such as exposure to the scorching sun, which negatively affects your child’s health and puts him at risk of dehydration or sunstroke and skin burns. Dermatologists advise not to use sunscreen before a year of six months so as not to harm His sensitive skin, but after this age you can take him with you to the sea taking the following precautions in mind to keep your child safe and protected, and to have a safe and fun time at the beach.

Tips to keep your child safe and protected at sea:

  • Make sure to use a sunscreen intended for children, with a protection factor of not less than 15%, and test it on a small part of your child’s skin before the summer trip, to test for any sensitivity of the child to its components, and there are also protective creams for the lips, you can Also, buy it to avoid sore lips from the sun or salty sea water.
  • Apply a layer of sunblock cream intended for children on your child’s skin before heading to the sea, and renew it for him every hour, even if the child will be sitting on the beach in the shade, as the sea water reflects the sun’s rays on the child’s skin even if he is not exposed to it in any way. direct.
  • Start by letting your child into the sea for a few minutes the first time, then gradually extend the time of his descent into the sea every day until it reaches half an hour.
  • Do not force him to go down to the sea if he feels afraid of it, leave him the freedom of choice and with time he will be encouraged and express his desire to go down and experiment himself without being forced.
  • Do not leave him in the water unattended, even for a second, even if he is at a safe height.
  • Consult a doctor before taking him to the sea, if he suffers from ear infections.
  • Make sure that he wears shoulder or chest floaties that are appropriate for his age for more safety, but it never replaces the presence of adults beside him.
  • Avoid going to the sea with your child during times when the sun's rays are intense, that is, from ten in the morning until two in the afternoon. It is better to go to the sea early in the morning or sometime before sunset.
  • Wear a head covering for your child to protect his face and head from the sun's rays while you are sitting on the beach.
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