How do I treat my baby's itchy gums?
Many parents whose nervous children cannot sleep ask, "How do I treat my child's itchy gums?"
Teething is the process in which teeth begin to appear in the baby's gum tissue.
This process can begin around six months of age, although some babies start it earlier (and others later). Symptoms such as excessive drooling, the need to chew things, irritability or bad mood, pain or tenderness of the gums, and a slight increase in temperature tend to appear at the same time.
Relieving the itchy gums of a baby is a delicate task for parents to do. We give you some tips.
Tips for relieving itchy gums in children:
Teeth coming out can be an uncomfortable step for some children. For others, not so much. The bottom two incisors are always the ones that come out first. Then the upper front teeth come in. However, every baby has a different growth pattern, so if they don't come out in that order, you don't have to worry.
If your child is going through this stage, here are some tips for relieving itchy gums. However, if he seems very upset, becomes fussy, and has trouble eating or holding a bottle, it's best to see a pediatrician.
- Scrub the gums:
Use a finger or damp gauze to rub your baby's gums. Just be sure to do it with the tip of one finger.
Refresh the baby's gums:
Use a cold spoon or a cool rattle to soothe your baby's gums. However, it should not be soaked in sugar or any other substance such as honey or juice.
Give something to chew:
The chewing object must be large enough so that it cannot be swallowed. Likewise, it should not be broken into small pieces to avoid the risk of suffocation. If you choose rubber teething rings, avoid those that contain liquid to prevent accidents. You can put it in the fridge for 30 minutes beforehand.
Cold foods to relieve itchy gums:
Teething cakes and cold foods should only be offered to babies who can eat solid foods. Otherwise, it is better to abstain. Likewise, always supervise your child to avoid the risk of choking.
See a doctor:
If your child is very irritable, embarrassed or in pain, talk to your doctor about doses of paracetamol or ibuprofen to relieve the itching.
What not to do during the teething process:
There are some things that should be avoided during teething so as not to endanger the baby's health:
- Do not put aspirin on a child's teeth or rub alcohol on his gums.
- Do not hang the teething ring around the baby's neck, or anywhere else, to prevent the baby from latching on and putting him at risk of choking. Also avoid amber teething necklaces because the beads can enter baby's mouth if they come out.
- Teething gels or aids should only be used with a doctor's prescription.
- Do not cut the baby's gum tissue to help the tooth come out as this can cause infection.
Other symptoms of the teething process:
Teething is a stage full of myths surrounding symptoms and treatments. Drooling is caused by increased salivation. This is because the glands have made their job faster as the body adapts to foods other than milk:
- Gingivitis can lead to a slight increase in temperature. In addition, the immune system may weaken and illness may present with fever.
- With regard to diarrhoea, no link has been established between persistent loose stools or colitis and the appearance of teeth. In the case of fever, mucus and diarrhea, it is best to go to the doctor.
- Another symptom that can be seen with teething is a lack of appetite. Indeed, babies do not lose the desire to eat, but the pain in the area makes it difficult to feed them.
How do you take care of a child's teeth?
It is important to take care of baby teeth because cavities can accelerate their fall out and leave holes for the next ones to grow in. Therefore, before they appear, clean your baby's gums daily with gauze or a clean, damp cloth and water.
When the first teeth appear, wash them with water. When they come out, you can use a little fluoride toothpaste, making sure that the child does not swallow it. Once all the teeth are extracted, brush them at least twice a day after meals.
In addition, it is best to avoid leaving a bottle of milk or juice in the baby’s bed as this can promote the appearance of cavities.