Brain development:
Until the age of three, the brain develops at an astonishing rate. However, this development continues for many years to come, maturing into adolescence.
The brain begins to form in the early stages of pregnancy. Then, after birth, brain development continues, especially during the first years of childhood. Is it possible to stimulate the brain development of our children? Are there habits that can influence and strengthen them? We tell you more in this article.
Childhood brain development:
- The brain begins to form during the first two weeks of pregnancy. Later, at the end of pregnancy, the cerebral cortex is formed. However, its development is not complete and will not be until after birth.
- In fact, at birth, the baby's brain is still in the process of formation and maturation. It isn't until the age of three that it reaches nearly 80% of an adult's brain. Therefore, this is a stage when the brain is developing at an amazing rate. Perhaps this is the reason for our inability to remember the events that preceded this era.
- Thus, the first years of life are fundamental to brain development. Most of the infrastructure is developing
- visual cortex. At six months, a child can see almost like an adult (depth, focus, etc.).
- The cerebellum doubles in size, allowing motor activities to develop.
- neuronal growth. Many more synapses are being generated, even more than they will make it into adulthood. This explains why children can learn more and faster than adults.
- However, evolution does not stop at this age. On the contrary, it will continue to develop at a rapid pace, and will continue to develop into adolescence.
- In addition, brain development is an active, interactive process that takes shape as a child grows and learns. This is why certain biological, physical and environmental factors (parents, teachers, lifestyle) play a role.
Habits that affect children's brain development:
1- Interaction when the child expresses himself:
Whether he cries or babbles, finds eye contact, a hug, or a verbal response in response, neural connections are being formed or strengthened in his brain. They will later help him develop his communication skills and social skills. Therefore, for its proper development, the brain needs to interact in order to receive adequate stimulation. If there is no interaction, stress reactions will be more active, releasing hormones that can cause impairment in brain development.
2. Avoid toxic stress when we feel threatened.
It is normal for our bodies to respond to certain physical reactions such as an increased heart rate and the release of hormones such as cortisol. In this sense, the child who finds a positive and protective environment in such moments will learn how to successfully regulate his stress. Even at the physiological level. On the other hand, children who do not find calm and support when they feel threatened, and their reaction is severe or prolonged, may even suffer damage to the structure of the brain, according to the center.
3- Physical exercise:
Exercise is also a critical factor in brain development. In fact, the brain is linked to overall health. In this sense, some studies suggest that playing sports during childhood can improve the cognitive functions of the very young. But in addition to this, exercise also appears to be associated with a lower risk of childhood depression according to this study. Therefore, sports are highly recommended to prevent mental disorders that can occur later.
4- Love The relationship that arises between the child and the caregiver is essential:
In fact, it is of utmost importance to his physical, emotional and intellectual development. The child needs to feel protected, safe and cared for. He also needs a consistent standard of support, dedication, responsibility, and love. Therefore, adults should always be receptive and willing to respond.
In fact, the indifferent attitude of parents or teachers can be the cause of the emergence of mental disorders in the future. For example, learning disabilities, anxiety, behavior problems, etc.
Finally, you see, the brain is constantly developing during childhood. Thus, for a healthy development, it is essential that the child's interaction with his environment and the people who take care of him be stimulating and active.