Saturday, December 16, 2017

Classification of non-cases are curable .. Infectious diseases without treatment. Sick patients in the intensive care unit and people with severe neurological diseases led to their total disability

This topic was discussed at the Islamic Fiqh Academy in its previous session in Jeddah (1412H) and issued the following decision:
"(A) It is necessary for the Muslim belief that sickness and healing is in the hands of God Almighty, and that medication and treatment are the reasons that Allaah has placed in the universe, and that it is not permissible to despair of the spirit of God or despair of his mercy. In caring for and relieving his or her psychological and physical suffering regardless of whether or not he expects recovery.
(B) What is regarded as a hopeless condition of treatment is, according to the doctors' assessment, the potential of medicine available at any time, place and according to the conditions of the disease. "
Accordingly, the Islamic Jurisprudence Academy has left the appreciation of these cases to doctors and the available medical possibilities.
Incurable cases include many cases involving:
First: Patients with incurable diseases and no treatment and known as the gradual aggravation that ends in death near or far. For example, a widespread, untreated cancer, which is medically known from similar cases, will end in death within months.
Second: Patients who are in the intensive care unit and who have failed with all the means of treatment available to improve their health, they ended up in a semi-final state. They are closer to death than they are to life and are dying. For example, a patient with severe sepsis in the blood, who did not use artificial respiration, dialysis and various medications to stop the development of the disease (this is called medically the case of multiple organ failure).
Thirdly, patients with severe neurological diseases, which resulted in their complete inability to intellectually medically hope for improvement. An example of this is the Sheikh of the pyramid who is severely demented in a manner that is unknown to those around him, unable to perform his needs and does not control urine and feces.
Fourth: Patients with persistent plant conditions, which means the injury of the cerebral cortex permanent permanent injury with some functions of the brain stem intact. Such a patient in a complete absence of consciousness and awareness, but he breathes and digests food and opens his eyes and closes them and therefore he lives a life closer to the life of the plant to human life. Such cases are seen in some accident victims.
The concept of incurable cases does not include brain death. Brain death is defined as the disruption of all functions of the brain irreversibly and irreversibly. The ruling of this patient - as decided by the Islamic Fiqh Academy - the ruling of the deceased. The discussion of this case is beyond the scope of this research.