A child who ingested 15 maximum strength acetaminophen tablets 45 minutes ago is seen in the emergency department.
Which of these orders should the nurse do first?
A- Gastric lavage PRN
B- Acetylcysteine (Mucomyst) for age per pharmacy
C- Start an IV Dextrose 5% with 0.33% normal saline to keep vein open
D- Activated charcoal per pharmacy
Answer: A:
Gastric lavage PRN
Removing as much of the drug as possible is the first step in treatment for this drug overdose.
This is best done by gastric lavage.
The next drug to give would be activated charcoal, then mucomyst and lastly the IV fluids.
Which of these orders should the nurse do first?
A- Gastric lavage PRN
B- Acetylcysteine (Mucomyst) for age per pharmacy
C- Start an IV Dextrose 5% with 0.33% normal saline to keep vein open
D- Activated charcoal per pharmacy
Answer: A:
Gastric lavage PRN
Removing as much of the drug as possible is the first step in treatment for this drug overdose.
This is best done by gastric lavage.
The next drug to give would be activated charcoal, then mucomyst and lastly the IV fluids.
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