Fibrous hemartoma.. Subcutaneous mass, swells up to a size of 15 cm

Fibrous hemartoma:
It starts with a single lesion that affects male children more than females and is demonstrated at birth or occurs during the first 3 years of life.
The most common place of infection is the axillary and shoulder area followed by the pelvis.
The lesion appears as a mass under the skin, swelling up to a size of 15 cm.
Repeated after repeated ablation If left untreated, spontaneous spasms may occur.

There are two types of benign tumors that affect soft tissues or tumors that affect the bones, but the first type of benign tumors is the most common and widespread.
Benign tumors can appear anywhere in the body between muscles, ligaments, nerves and blood vessels, and benign tumors vary greatly in their appearance and manner of development. Some of them may be intrusive to invade nearby tissues, increasing the chances of kidney failure when they are removed and reappeared. Once again, tumor surgeons use specialized methods to eradicate them as well as radiation therapy to reduce their chances of recurrence.

The causes are not accurately known, but there are some factors that may contribute or relate in some way or another to the formation of benign tumors in the human body Among these factors:
- Environmental toxins such as exposure to radiation.
Genetic genetic factors.
- unhealthy diet.
- Exposure to stress.

Benign tumors in soft tissues may cause or do not cause any pain, and vary in shape on a large scale, but if the tumor develops or causes pain to the patient to consult a specialist doctor.

The vast majority of benign tumors are treated with only one surgical procedure without affecting neighboring blood vessels, nerves, muscles or bones. The patient's recurrence occurs in simple cases. An oncologist must analyze the tissue before he is surgically removed, and there are very rare cases in which surgery is performed without resorting to a pre-tissue analysis.
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