Passive smoking and its relationship to diseases and cancer.. Smoking caused by smoking contains chemicals and toxic gases

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), an agency of the World Health Organization (WHO), has found conclusive findings that passive smoking (smoking of non-smokers) leads to cancer. These findings may seem alarming if we know that more than 1 billion people worldwide They smoke differently whether they are cigarettes, pipes, hookahs or even cigars and other means of smoking.
 The danger is that the smoke produced by smoking contains chemicals and toxic gases. The experiments conducted by scientists have shown that these poisonous gases enter the inhaler's body in a negative way, affecting it and interacting with it, causing the body to develop cancer of all kinds.
It is clear that the smoke from the burning cigarette contains more harmful hydrocarbon substances than the smoke pulled by the smoker inside his chest and this explains the size of the severe damage to non-smokers who are in the same place closed with smokers and those who share a high rate of smoking damage, although they are not smokers And the disaster is greater if they are young children and this is an important point may be overlooked by many smokers, where not limited to it alone and therefore should be prohibited smoking in the indoor.
 Passive smoking may have more impact on the non-smoker of the same smoking on the smoker, and the reason is that a non-smoker does not have the ability to carry nicotine and thus negative effects of nicotine are more severe, change the smoker gets Balthij in the eyes and the nose is larger than the smoker, also proved to be Affects the individual's ability to perform the tasks and delicate tasks that need to focus.
Passive smoking causes some people to have asthma - especially children - or worsening asthma, and also causes bronchial and lung infections.
The exposure of the non-smoker to second-hand smoke causes the birth of a child below normal weight and that of the baby with a lack of lung function.
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