Absorption of proteins in the small intestine.. With the effect of trispenes and chymotrapsin separated from the pancreas converted into biptides and amino acids

- Most proteins (55%) are absorbed in the upper part of the intestine (dizziness and onset of fasting).
- Protein undergoes the effect of pepsin when it reaches the stomach (ie begins to digest it in the stomach) and needs an acidic medium.
- then subject to the effect of trisin and kimoterpsin separated from the pancreas and turn into biptides and amino acids and some of the Oligopeptides.
- These substances are then subjected to the level of microbes to the enzymes of Oligopeptidase to be converted to amino acids.
These amino acids are transferred into the intestine via specific membrane vasicles, depending on sodium Na +.
Note: Each amino acid has a special vector. To simplify: Each amino acid has its own "hexagon" but they are all "sodium drivers".
The residue of the unapproved proteins that reached the colon is exposed to the process of the deposition of Putrefaction (not fermentation as in sugars) under the influence of the intestinal flora, which gives the ammonia (ammonia) which is absorbed and goes through the mesenteric upper and lower to the liver and turns into a urine (this in the natural liver).
But when there is a liver problem, the ammonia moves to the brain, causing hepatic liver disease.
 Therefore, liver cirrhosis patients are advised to follow a low-protein diet so that the residues of proteins are not dissociated and consequently liver hepatic impairment.
It is possible that if the diet is not followed, we will give it non-absorbable sugars so that the colon can be rinsed from the protein residues (there is no disintegration).
There are two exceptions to the previous protein absorption process:
* Bilateral and triglycerides can sometimes be absorbed as they are into the intestinal cell and then digested there.
* Some large protein molecules can absorb without alteration, which does not turn into amino acids (such as some food and bacterial antigens like polio vaccine), that is, there are antigens in the blood and thus there is immunity.
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