What is the change in symptom score in the placebo arm of the PLESS study?
A- 3.3 increase
B- 1.3 decrease***
C- 1.0 decrease
D- 1.3 increase
E- 3.3 decrease
Answer B:
Patients in the placebo arm noticed a 1.3 point improvement/decrease in their symptom score versus a 3.3 improvement on finasteride. The fact that symptoms improved on placebo is useful to remember in discussions about treatment in the viva.
A- 3.3 increase
B- 1.3 decrease***
C- 1.0 decrease
D- 1.3 increase
E- 3.3 decrease
Answer B:
Patients in the placebo arm noticed a 1.3 point improvement/decrease in their symptom score versus a 3.3 improvement on finasteride. The fact that symptoms improved on placebo is useful to remember in discussions about treatment in the viva.