Symptoms of acute mycotoxin poisoning .. Pulse and rapid breathing. Excessive saliva and tears. Excessive urine and intense thirst. Sensitivity to sunlight

Symptoms of acute mycotoxin poisoning suitable for the type of toxin found in food:
1. Rapid pulse
2. Tachypnea
Salivation (Slobber)
4- Lacrimation
5. Polyria and Polydipsia
6. Vomiting
7. Feed refuse
8. Diarrhea
9. Hyper-estrogenism
10. Photosensitivity
11- Skin irritation
13. Dermal necrosis
14. Oedema
15. Tremor
16. Convulsion
17. Haemorrhage
18. Apathy
19. Paralysis
20- Cancer
21. Sudden death.
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