Esters and salts of amino acids .. Lysine. Glutamic acid. Glycine. Sarcosin. Phenylalanine. Fallen. Leosin. Aspartic acid. Anthranic acid. To the academies

Amino acids and esters; salts:
These compounds contain one or more of the functions of carboxylic acids and one or more amino functions, their anhydrides, peroxides, and peroxyl acids of carboxylic acid.
Oxygen-containing compounds, acids, esters, anhydrides, halides, peroxides, pyroxyl acids and their compounds having the same functions. Any functional oxygen present in non-parental bonds associated with amino acid bonds does not take into account for purposes of extinction.
Amino acids, esters, salts and their derivatives shall be included in this heading.
Lysine (dimethylamine-n-hexatoeic acid) is a colorless crystal produced by the disintegration of silk gums and many proteins.
Glutamic acid.
It is caused by the breakdown of proteins, and is extracted from gluten, which is in the form of crystals, used in medicine and in the dyeing of food.
3. Glycine (amino acid, glycoclate) (NH2 CH2 COOH).
In large, regular, colorless crystals, used in the synthesis of organic products, etc.
4. CHARCOSE (CH3. NH. CH2 COOH). It is an analogous derivative of glaciers. And crystallize in a circular manner.
5- Elanine (2-amino-propionic acid). Solid needles.
6-beta-alanine (3-amino-propionic acid). Crystals.
7- Phenylalanine.
8. Valen (alpha-amino-isofaleric acid). Crystals.
9. Leucine (alpha-amino acidocarbon).
It is obtained from the water analysis of proteins; it is in the form of brilliant white crystals, isolucin.
10 - Aspartic acid. Crystals.
11 - Anthranilic acid (Ortho - amino Yinzoic) and obtained by synthetic methods and is used in the manufacture of synthetic filament. Its derivatives include methylananthranyl.
12 - Metha - amino acid benzoic.
13. Para-amino acid-benzoic acid:
It is used in the preparation of dyeing materials, artificial aromatic products, narcotic substances and in medicine thanks to its strength of vitamin. Some of the derivatives of this bara amino-benzoate and bara amino-benzoate derivatives are mentioned.
Paracetamino-benzoate is a small, colorless, odorless, local anesthetic used by ophthalmologists and dentists.
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