Antibacterials Bacta Lactam Antibacterials. Sftriaxone. Cloxacillin. Phenoxymethyl penicillin. Broccaine benzyl benicillin

Antibacterials - beta-lactam medications in children:
- Sifazolin * - Powder for injection: 1 g (in the form of sodium salt) in a vial.
* Surgical prophylaxis.
> One month.
- Sftrexone - powder for injection: 250 mg; 1 g (in the form of sodium salt) in a vial.
Decreased efficacy and safety of neonates.
- Cloxacillin - Capsules: 500 mg; 1 g (in the form of sodium salt).
Powder for injection: 500 mg (in the form of sodium salt) in a vial.
Powder for drink: 125 mg (in the form of sodium salt) / 5 ml.
- Phenoxyethyl penicillin - Powder for drink: 250 mg (in the form of potassium salt) / 5 ml.
Tablets: 250 mg (in the form of potassium salt).
- Procaine benzyl penicillin - Injection powder: 1 g (= 1 million IU); 3 g (= 3 million IU) in a vial.
Not given to newborn /> one month.
The use of broccoli is reviewed with penicillin for neonates.
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