A cyclic composite is not consistent .. Comaron. Pinsubiran. (Xanthine). Andalus. Quinoline and Isinquinoline. Acridine. Benzothiophene (Theo naphthene). Andazole. Benzemazole. Technicians. Phenoxazine. Nizoxazole. Carbazole. Quinazoline. Benzothiazole

Complicated cyclic compounds are more complex:
These compounds are produced by the intensification of incompatible pentagon or hexahedral groups, with other carboxylic rings. The following groups are mentioned:
A) Comaron.
C - Oxantin (Zanthini).
D - Endol.
E - Quinoline and Isinquinoline.
And - acridine.
G) Benzoethiophene (Theo naphthene).
H. Andazole.
J - Technicians.
M - Carbazole.
O Benzothiazole.
For the purposes of heading 29.32 to 29.34, for vehicles containing more than one uncoordinated ring, if only one of the non-harmonized rings is specifically named in one of the subheadings of heading 29.32 to 29.34, that compound shall enter Under that sub-item. However, if two or more of the incompatible rings are specifically named at the sub-item level, the compound must enter the specified item that comes too late in the numerical order.
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