preparation of all incipient cavity within enamel Acquired pellicle.. structures layer protect tooth

preparation of all incipient cavity within enamel Acquired pellicle:

  • A- structures layer protect tooth.
  • B- aid in remineralization.

The answer is b. aid in remineralization.

The acquired pellicle is a thin layer of protein and glycoprotein that forms on the surface of the tooth within minutes of brushing. It plays an important role in protecting the tooth from decay and aiding in remineralization.

The acquired pellicle is composed of salivary proteins, bacteria, and other molecules. It is constantly being renewed and replaced, and its composition can vary depending on the individual's diet and oral health.

Ways to protect the tooth from decay:

The acquired pellicle helps to protect the tooth from decay by:
  • Preventing bacteria from attaching to the tooth surface.
  • Neutralizing acids produced by bacteria.
  • Forming a barrier against the diffusion of acids and other harmful substances.


The acquired pellicle also aids in remineralization by:
  • Creating a scaffold for the deposition of calcium and phosphate ions.
  • Helping to concentrate fluoride ions on the tooth surface.
Therefore, the acquired pellicle plays an important role in protecting the tooth from decay and aiding in remineralization.

Preparation of all incipient cavity within enamel:

When preparing an incipient cavity within enamel, it is important to preserve the acquired pellicle as much as possible. This can be done by using a light touch and avoiding the use of excessive force. It is also important to use a sharp bur and to keep the bur wet to prevent overheating of the tooth.

Once the cavity has been prepared, the acquired pellicle should be removed from the cavity margins. This can be done by using a light touch and a sharp excavator. It is important to avoid removing too much of the acquired pellicle, as this can weaken the enamel and make it more susceptible to decay.

After the cavity margins have been prepared, the acquired pellicle can be removed from the rest of the tooth surface using a rubber cup and a low-abrasive polishing paste. It is important to avoid polishing the cavity margins, as this can weaken the enamel and make it more susceptible to decay.

By preserving the acquired pellicle as much as possible, dentists can help to protect their patients' teeth from decay and promote remineralization.
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