Immature tooth has less sensation of cold and hot ,due to.. Incomplete innervations

Immature tooth has less sensation of cold and hot ,due to?
A- Short root
B- Incomplete innervations***
C- Wide pulp chamber.

Cutaneous innervation refers to the area of ​​the skin that is provided by a specific nerve.
The modern texts agree on the areas of the skin served by the nerves, but there are slight variations in certain details. The boundaries indicated by the diagrams of the 1918 edition of Gray's Anatomy, presented below, are similar but not identical to those generally accepted today.

Basin and buttocks:
- Lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh - labeled "lateral femoral cutaneous" (pink)
- lumboinguinal nerve (green) and ilioinguinal nerve (purple). In modern texts, these two regions are often considered to be innervated by the genitofemoral nerve.
- Median clunal nerves (pink) - labeled as "post Division of sacral".
- Lower clunal nerves (pink region, not designated with its own section).
- Perforating cutaneous nerve (pink region, not designated with its own section).
- superior clunal nerves (yellow) - labeled as "post-lumbar division".
- Iliohypogastric nerve (blue).
- Subcostal Nerve (purple) - labeled "last thoracic".

- Anterior cutaneous branches of the femoral nerve (yellow).
- Skin branch of the obturator nerve (yellow region, not designated with its own section).
- Posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh (green).

- Common fibular nerve (blue) - labeled "peroneal nerve". Also lateral cutaneous nerve.
- Saphenous nerve (pink), a branch of the femoral nerve.
- Superficial fibular nerve (yellow) - labeled "superficial peroneal nerve". Also medial dorsal cutaneous nerve.
- Sural Nerve (brown). Also medial sural cutaneous nerve.

- deep fibular nerve (green).
- Tibial nerve (blue). Also the medial calcaneal branches of the tibial nerve.
- medial plantar nerve (yellow).
- lateral plantar nerve (green).
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