High rate of fractures at canine area in the mandible due to.. Long canine toot

High rate of fractures at canine area in the mandible due to?

A- Change direction of forces accruing here

B- Long canine toot***

C- Border is thin this area

D- Alveolus is thin in this area.

Canine teeth or fangs as we commonly know it, are an existing piece of human teeth and are known to be pointed, this tooth is responsible for tearing food that can not be easily cut by incisive teeth, since its shape is does or credits it for saying it in some ideal way to break slightly hard foods.

What are canine teeth and what function do they have:
The human being has 4 fangs, placing 2 in the upper jaw and 2 in the lower jaw or jaw, gathering in the middle of the incisors and premolars. The canines are very strong thanks to their roots that can reach up to 3 cm in length, making them somehow the strongest of all human teeth.
In the first dentition or milk as all primary teeth are known, fangs usually develop from one and a half years after the child's birth. While the definitive denture or bone teeth begin to appear after 11 and 12 years replacing those of the first distinction.
From the functional point of view, these teeth (canines or fangs) have a unique characteristic in their species since both in the upper or lower jaw we have only one fang per side while premolars we have 3, incisors we have 2 and molars we have 3 But their function is not limited since they are the only ones able to tear any food.

Characteristics and importance of canine teeth:
The canine teeth are housed both dental arches enter the anterior sector delimiting the posterior sector, that is, they are in the midline between the lateral incisive teeth and the first premolar teeth, two being in the upper jaw and two in the jaw or lower jaw.
Today, many wonder why these teeth are called the canine or fang, and the truth is that there are many theories regarding this but the truth is that their name comes from the similarity that these sharp teeth have with the fangs of some carnivorous and even herbivorous animals.
But the name is not given because the human being is carnivorous or not, it is given simply because its pointed, large and strong characteristic is assimilated to them, taking it finds that it is only used to tear food, making them smaller so that they are crushed and digested in the best way by the oral organism.
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