Digitoxine toxicity effect in electro cardio chart (ECG):
- a- prolong P.R
- b- shorten P.R
- c- T. shaped
- d- prolong B.R.
ECG findings in digoxin toxicity:
The ECG findings in digoxin toxicity are:
ST depression:
down-sloping or scooped, with a characteristic “reverse tick” or “Salvador Dali sagging” appearance.
T wave changes:
flattening, inversion, or biphasic T waves.
Shortened QT interval:
due to reduced ventricular repolarisation time.
Premature beats:
atrial, junctional or ventricular.
AV block:
any type of AV block (1st degree, 2nd degree & 3rd degree).
Sinus bradycardia:
due to increased vagal tone.
Slow atrial fibrillation:
due to increased vagal tone.
ECG findings:
These ECG findings are due to the effects of digoxin on the heart. Digoxin increases the amount of calcium in the heart muscle cells, which makes the heart more sensitive to electrical signals. This can lead to increased automaticity (the ability of the heart to generate its own electrical impulses) and decreased conduction (the ability of the heart to transmit electrical impulses).
digoxin toxicity:
It is important to note that not all patients with digoxin toxicity will have all of these ECG findings. The severity of the ECG findings will depend on the amount of digoxin in the blood and the patient's individual sensitivity to digoxin.
If you see any of the ECG findings listed above in a patient, it is important to consider digoxin toxicity as a possible diagnosis. Further testing, such as a digoxin level, may be necessary to confirm the diagnosis.