The compression / relaxation cycle of external cardiac compression should be repeated:
a- 2 times / second
b- 60 times / minute
c- 76 times / second
d- 100 times / minute. ***
Circulation Feel for a carotid pulse. If it is present, provide 10 breaths per minute, checking the pulse for 10 sec every 10 breaths. If no pulse commence chest compression, at the middle of the lower half of the sternum, depressing 4¾5 cm 100 times per minute.
a- 2 times / second
b- 60 times / minute
c- 76 times / second
d- 100 times / minute. ***
Circulation Feel for a carotid pulse. If it is present, provide 10 breaths per minute, checking the pulse for 10 sec every 10 breaths. If no pulse commence chest compression, at the middle of the lower half of the sternum, depressing 4¾5 cm 100 times per minute.
Oral medicine