Smear layer composed of:
1. Dentine debris.
2. Inorganic particles.
3. Bacteria.
4. All the above.
- The smear layer is a film of microcrystalline debris that remains on dentin after it is cut with rotary instruments.
- After removing the organic and inorganic debris of the smear layer by etching
- The composition of the smear layer is basically hydroxyapatite and altered denatured collagen.
The smear layer consists of an amorphous layer of organic and inorganic debris, produced by cutting dentine.
The smear layer is composed of dentin debris, organic material and microorganisms that adhere to the root canal walls obstructing theopenings of the dentin tubules, which can hinder the action of medicine in the dentin tubules and root canal system. Removal of this layer is important for the success of the endodontic treatment and is obtained with the use of chemical solutions during root preparation8.