Friday, December 20, 2019

for a hearing – impaired client to hear a conversation, a nurse should

for a hearing - impaired client to hear a conversation, a nurse should:
a- use a louder tone of voice than normal
b- use visual aids such as the hands and eyes when speaking
c- approach a client quietly from behind before speaking
d- select a public area to have a conversation.

Hearing impairment:
Hearing impairment is a total or partial deficit in perception that is assessed by the degree of hearing loss in each ear. People with this disability distinguish between:

- Deaf: they have a total or profound deficiency.
- Hearing impaired: they have a partial deficiency, that is, they have an auditory rest which can be improved with the use of hearing aids (electronic device that amplifies sounds).
In most cases, the hearing impaired will need during the Early Childhood Education the support of augmentative visual codes of oral language, with two objectives:
- Word complemented. To ensure the correct auditory discrimination of the sounds of the language that allows, in turn, access to reading. This access to culture is essential for people with hearing impairment.
- Bimodal communication system. To favor communication and ensure access to information transmitted in the classroom. Resource needed at least, until the training work on auditory discrimination and language production, as well as the acquisition of reading, makes the use of this system unnecessary.

Hearing loss:
Hearing loss or deafness is the decrease in hearing ability. When it is total it is called cofosis; when it is less than 75 dB we talk about hearing loss and when it is greater than 75 dB we would talk about deafness.

Classification of deafness according to the location of the lesion:
- Transmission deafness. It is related to middle ear problems. They are the ones that produce the least serious hearing impairment.
- Perception deafness. It is related to problems of the inner ear and causes greater hearing impairment.

Classification of deafness according to its etiology:
According to their origin, we can classify them in:
- Genetic: they are hereditary.
- Acquired: the disability is acquired during some stage of life.
- Congenital: these, in turn, are classified as prenatal, due to a disease that the mother acquired during pregnancy (measles or rubella); and perinatal, due to birth trauma, prematurity, prolonged births and anoxies (lack of oxygen).
Hearing disability is not necessarily accompanied by another disability, which banishes the myth that deaf people have a minor intellect. The age of onset of deafness is a factor to consider, so it is divided into congenital, from birth to three years and after three years. In people who acquire disability after three years, they can remember the oral language, that is, their linguistic competence can be enriched from the accumulated experience. Another factor that will influence language acquisition and development of your intellect is that deafness is not accompanied by another disorder or associated pathology.

Classification according to the degree of hearing loss:
- Normal hearing: is one in which sounds are perceived below 20 decibels.
- Mild hearing loss: when only 20 to 40 decibels are perceived.
- Average hearing loss: if the perception is between 40 and 70 decibels. You can still acquire orality.
- Severe hearing loss: when only sounds between 70 and 90 decibels are heard (some words amplified).
- With more than 90 decibels, we are facing a profound hearing loss. Speech cannot be perceived through hearing. The help of alternative communication codes is required

Sign language:
It is a natural language of expression and gesture-spatial configuration and visual perception, thanks to which deaf people can establish a communication channel with their social environment, whether it is made up of other deaf individuals or by any person who knows the sign language employee. While with oral language communication is established in a vocal-auditory channel, sign language does so through a gesture-viso-spatial channel. Its main characteristic is that it uses signs that are made with the hands, in combination with the gestural and corporal expression. In these combinations, it should be noted, the grammar and syntax of this language are expressed. For its part, the meaning will depend on the form that the hand or hands adopt when making the sign, the place in which it is performed, the movement and its speed, the orientation of the palm of the hand and the facial or body expression that Accompany the sign. Sign language is not a universal language, each country has its own system.

Did you know?
+ Your cognitive development is NOT diminished due to the limited information you receive.
+ They experience difficulties in working abstract aspects, they have a more concrete thought linked to what they can directly perceive.
+ Impulsivity, insecurity, inflexibility, self-centeredness and low self-concept, so prevalent in deaf youth, should not be considered as constitutive features of a "deaf personality". These behaviors are, in reality, the result of:
- The absence of an adequate and available communication code from the first years, which allows the external and internal regulation of the conduct.
- Lack of information and experiences.
- Ignorance of the reason for the norms and values
- Inappropriate expectations and attitudes of others.
- Depleted and simple interactions.
- The difficulties and inconveniences to which a society that does not plan thinking about people with lack of hearing submits them.
+ The characteristics of tone, intensity and rhythm, which language presents allow us to distinguish communicative situations of affection, tenderness, anger, etc. These emotions are hardly perceived by the person with deafness, since their ear canal is severely altered, limiting the understanding of these situations to visual perceptions, which sometimes lead to errors.