Reasons for the fear of the use of insulin
Due to the nature diabetes type II .. Is that the reason for this disease continues even if the patient is used in the treatment ..
Due to the continuity of the weakness that affects beta cells pancreas .. Unfortunately.?!!
This is in addition to the presence of insulin resistance by different tissues and organs .. Thus, the need to use insulin may become necessary .. As a primary treatment .. There are many doctors who favor giving insulin for people with type II diabetes at an early stage of the disease (and more appropriate) in order to help the remaining cells in the pancreas and reduce pregnancy
It .. However, there are many factors that make some doctors avoid giving insulin in the early stages of the disease and for reasons that perhaps we will look in another message, God .. The .. If the doctor decides to give insulin, there are many reasons that make diabetes is excited to take insulin syringe .. and I can cite ten reasons that I think are important reasons .
Let's see what we can do them:
Why X: Some patients believe that starting right insulin ushered complications of diabetes, especially if he has a family start to inject insulin in a later period and advanced diabetes, it is very important to clarify this point and inform the patient that insulin drugs that reduce the incidence of complications of diabetes That study also showed significant "Yu Ki Bede as" (UKPDS), This study showed that treatment By insulin limiting infection complications vascular minute like Effects side on the retina and Effects side on the kidneys, side effects on the parties neural system, in this study was There is concern that insulin may make the patient susceptible to atherosclerosis by more, but this fear ended recently when explained another study in America is "your hand" (EDIC), an extension of the study "DCC me" (DCCT) known, The study "your hand" (EDIC) conducted on patients with type I diabetes (Type -1), and found in this study that the incidence of diseases of the circulatory system and heart (which is a result mostly of atherosclerosis early with diabetes) is a small percentage of people who eat in the intensive insulin injection in a way that if they were compared persons who are taking insulin unusual manner, and these results confirmed and ended the debate about the potential seriousness of insulin Causative to hardening of the arteries.
Ninth reason: .. I am having problems when I'm in the "complex" or "social occasion" and then I go to the toilet and I injected myself By Insulin .. One may observe that I believe a drug addict or something like ...?! Well ... if this disturb you really .. It ... And if possible .. I suggest you use insulin pens .. and there types enables you to be injected yourself By Insulin even through your clothes!!
Why VIII: .. Said that the modern insulin .. Abnormal substance is manufactured using a genetic engineering technique .. And not the predecessor of insulin derived from animals, which is normal ... ?! .. Well .. This is true .. But nothing wrong with that .. If we look at the fact is that in the past was 90% of the insulin solution is insulin net .. And 10% of the insulin solution was impurities .. The modern insulin factory, 99% of the insulin solution is insulin net .. Which is very pure .. And similar to human insulin .. The probability of occurrence .. Sensitivity as a result of its use virtually non-existent.
Seventh reason: .. This reason does not exist in our region .. But in some countries ...The disposal of used syringes need to follow certain guidelines .. Which may cause inconvenience for users of injection .. All you can consult the cultured diabetes (breeder) .. Which will show you the best way to get rid of used syringes.
Note: these policies to get rid of used syringes .. Their purpose .. Lack of opportunity of For addicts using used syringes.?!!
Sixth reason: .. Use many injections as well as the use of insulin pens is costly and expensive ... ?!! But .. This .. Perhaps not entirely true .. Can use syringe more than once and if you do not become painful maybe you can use it five times ... as well as insulin pens.
Fifth reason: .. Fear of hypoglycemia .. This is true when using insulin .. But if the patient has diabetes self-analysis of blood sugar, as well as the use of modern types of insulin (in the case of recurrence fall in blood sugar) .. such as insulin Glargine, the probability of infection by a drop in blood sugar less.
The fourth reason: .. Some patients a sense Haunt them frustration to the belief that they have failed to control diabetes using disks (grain) ..?!
On the medical staff must be concerned with this point and try to educate the patient with something very important, which is that the cause (which is understandable and clearly) for type II diabetes (Type -2) of nature continue to deteriorate despite medical treatment until such time when it becomes injections insulin is inevitable, then the need for insulin is may be inevitable over time even if the patient takes the treatment in a manner regularly. There is also another important point must be taken diabetics in mind, namely, that an early start to inject insulin for people with type II diabetes may be something useful for them.
The third reason: .. Insulin would cause me weight gain .. This is true .. But there are some things you should attention in this regard.
The second reason: .. I feel pain .. And I am afraid of the syringe is strongly Well .. Fear of pain associated with injections insulin may be an obstacle important, and to overcome this obstacle must educate the patient and tell him that advanced technology in the industry needles insulin was able to manufacture needles diameter is very small, using technical laser so that the needles do not cause any pain little, if was used in the right way so that the patient to choose the right place to inject insulin and private places that contain tissues such as mental Shoulder thigh and abdomen, then the use of insulin pens greatly help to overcome this problem .. Then it asks users inject insulin to make sure that his fears are not true.
The first reason: The final reason is that diabetes does not want insulin .. Why? You say .. so .. I do not know ..?!!
.. Well ... I do not have what I'm doing for this reason.. Your Health important and your life is your responsibility .. And it is up to you.
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