** Infected human who uses insulin that PHP (NPH) = Insulin-like average / long-acting and insulin Regular = Insulin-like short-acting before meals.. It will take the BHA bedtime and takes insulin rapid-acting Regular injection before breakfast and a syringe before Suhoor meal.
** Of the injured who uses insulin-like Glargine or Detemir = Insulin-like long-acting and Glulicine or Aspart or Lispro = Insulin-like fast effect before meals..
It will take Glargine or Detymir time and breakfast or as usual between the hours of 10 pm to 12 midnight. And takes insulin rapid-acting before Iftar and Suhoor.
Now how are dosing..?
For PHP dose (NPH) and Glargine and Detemir preferably doctor determines the dose before the beginning of the month of Ramadan so that are intended to be the amount of blood sugar in the morning and the patient is fasting in the range of 120 mg / dL.
Note that a relatively high value of 120 for the rest of the times that we are targeting to be the amount of blood sugar in the morning and the patient fasting ranging from 90-130 mg / dl .. True? .. The reason for this is that one of the scientific research good found that the incidence rate of hypoglycemia when fasting which deals in insulin Glargine more if the level of blood sugar in the morning and the patient fasting less than 120 mg / dl before the beginning of Ramadan ..!!. And are modified insulin dose long-acting in Ramadan analysis of blood sugar in the period After midday.
As for insulin short-acting = Regular.. Or insulin rapid-acting wrapping it identify three dose Taking into account the amount of food to be eaten and patient experience in the past, as well as analysis of blood sugar after about two to three hours after evening prayers almost .. This for insulin dose before breakfast As for the dose of insulin before a meal suhoor depends on the amount of blood sugar 11 am to 12 o'clock midday.
** For insulin eaters in the traditional manner and taking two doses a day and who themselves Ptkhalat types of insulin (mean insulin short and medium effect) .. It is taking a dose morning before breakfast as it is without modifying .. The evening dose takes it before Suhoor meal while keeping rapid insulin dose effect as it will modify the insulin dose average effect .. And so Diminution to half or cancel.
** For insulin eaters in the traditional manner and taking two doses a day and be Insulin Oud Ready such as insulin Mixtard.. It is taking a dose morning before breakfast as it is without modifying .. The evening dose Replaces Insulin fast-acting only Regular (Regular) and taken before a meal suhoor.
* With regard to some of the injured and who use insulin pump are diminution insulin dose during the period of abstinence from eating.
sugary culture