Excess sugar in the blood can lead to the corruption of the lining of the arteries different including the minute capillaries that Feed In the neural network or different nerves throughout the body which leads to disorder in the function of the nerve that wounded twice in the capillaries that feed the ... And nerves the most vulnerable to these problems is the peripheral nerves.. Especially the lower limbs.. I mean legs and feet.. which leads to feeling numb or burning or pain.. That usually appear in the legs or fingers fingers..
In a few months begin to spread to include Leg and forearm.. And so on.. To top .. If we do not treat this case, the patient may lose sense of feeling in the affected parties.. and people with diabetes in this case make greater Effort to keep the integrity of the parties such as the legs to reduce the incidence of acute infections and complications.
If the nerves affected by diabetes are the nerves that feed in the stomach and esophagus and intestines were infected human weakness in digestion and blood sugar disorder which leads to difficulty in controlling it.
As for the men Disorder nerves that nourish the reproductive system may lead to problems in mating.
sugary culture