Diabetics need insulin injections and the attainment of danger.. Continued deterioration in the cells of the pancreas, despite the use of beta-lowering drive drunk

Of course talking about the second type of diabetes, in fact I do not know what the reason for this concept, but perhaps because there are some people have begun using the injection insulin in the advanced stages of diabetes (ie, after the occurrence of chronic complications of diabetes), and this concept in fact It is not true, you will need to use insulin injections at any moment doctor they deem appropriate and because the nature of Type II diabetes continuity. That double beta cells pancreas is one of the Causes of Type II diabetes and found that this weakness in the beta cells pancreas continues to deteriorate even if diabetes is Therapeutic uses disks to lower blood sugar in a good way. But the need for insulin is expected to occur. Then that modern scientific research showed that whenever Use with diabetes type II insulin injection in the advanced stages of diagnosis the better for his health and to prevent chronic complications of diabetes.
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