Control diabetes.. Exercising daily. Eating little. Control nervous tension and depression and hostility

Control diabetes

Perhaps control diabetes is not easy .. But the list of things demands doing short, namely: 

● Exercising daily: 

Most of us prefer to walk, and who have problems in the legs, it's best swimming or other water sports. Participation in sports club helps you synchronize the exercise. 

● Each ate a little bit: 

When we eat fewer calories control blood sugar better, even before the lack of weight. The process is underweight   Of the desirable side effects   The reduced amount of calories consumed.
Often all one has Type II diabetes often infected with obesity. I know the difficulty of access to the appropriate weight, but every kilogram without it replaced   Preference in your blood sugar control. 

● At the time:   

At that affects control of others in good diabetes and dominates   All the members of your body,   So let your mind (and your decisions) User, which affects and dominates   Diabetes..!! When controls the nervous tension and depression and hostility .. This has a positive impact on blood sugar control. 

● Most of us, not all of us is not enough of the above:

One of us may need to drive or insulin proposed by his doctor. Maybe you do not need to take medication for life if the health system to eat and exercise were of great effectiveness. Mostly all your doctor will prescribe medication that will help control blood sugar. 

● The first step carried out as soon as they are diagnosed with diabetes: 

  Find a doctor who specializes in diabetes with a note: 

The doctor will necessary tests and particularly cumulative analysis of blood sugar (HA1c). It is a blood sugar level in the three months preceding the analysis. Did you make a cumulative analysis of blood sugar? What was the value? Knowledge of diabetes Will have power to control diabetes and lift your spirits. 

Doctor will suggest that you buy a device for measuring blood sugar, some insurance companies may provide you with medical buy this device. And measure the blood sugar subjectively as proposed by your doctor. The greater the number of times a self-analysis more you know, and therefore force in controlling diabetes. 

Must always remember that   Good control in diabetes with your hand you   , And perhaps diabetes is a disease that is distinct from the rest of the disease by relying on the patient rather than the doctor. 

Knowledge regarding diabetes ... Power:   

Education through the Internet and books will increase the strength of your control diabetes. 

● Underestimate the intake of carbohydrates:   

Do not try to get rid of all existing eating carbohydrates but try to reduce them because it helps you to good control of blood sugar.
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