Complications listed below on the basis of the findings of the study task Obedi seen (EPIDIAR) which took place in 13 Islamic countries included 12.243 diabetic they try fasting month of Ramadan.!! Notes researchers have been published for this study in the medical journal famous (Diabetes care) in 2004, as well as building on the findings of some other small studies conducted on patients with diabetes and have fasting month of Ramadan .. The complications are:
● Drop in blood sugar: .. In a study Obedi seen (EPIDIAR) increased incidence of hypoglycemia in the types and kidneys at a rate 4.7 times times for type I diabetes .. And by 7.4-fold times for type II diabetes., It is known that one of the complications of hypoglycemia ... ... Death!!
● Increase high blood sugar: .. In the same study Obedi seen (EPIDIAR) increased incidence of cases of high blood sugar at 3 times the rate of times in the first type of diabetes, and an average of 5 times times in the second type. .. Which leads to the emergence of a lot of annoying symptoms that limit activity with diabetes and hindered the performance of his duties.
● Acidity of the blood acute result diabetes: .. It has been found that these complications occur especially for those who have the disorder and high blood sugar before Ramadan, and worked to reduce the dose insulin large quantity in the month of Ramadan. Well known that from a complication of acidity acute in the blood as a result of diabetes. .. ... Death!!
● Drought and stroke-prone: .. of us did not feel thirsty in the month of Ramadan? ..Especially when the weather is hot .. Speaking of drought it is noticeable that the thirst occurs late (I mean that there is a degree of drought occur before feeling thirsty ..!! Physiologically), was found to be non-drinking water may lead to dehydration, especially in places where the fasting period long and when the weather is hot. , And as I pointed out earlier, the kidneys (especially for people with diabetic kidney) ... Will suffer much for any degree of drought that would be his fasting and if there is a disturbance in the function of the nervous system, this drought could lead to a drop in blood pressure when the rights of the sitting position suddenly .. Which could lead to dizziness or fall with an increased risk of fractures ... Drought also helps to be a blood clot circulation (taking into account the very important point is that both types of diabetes increases the susceptibility of blood clots from forming, "This information will help the Mufti in his decision-making on what I think?!!") .. In the case of the clot it As is well known that the complications of blood clots .... ... Death!!
So the above The sacrifices of people with diabetes who want to "unite" and fast Ramadan is a considerable sacrifices .. It may simply lead to death!!! But one might say of people with diabetes .. No .. No .. I'll never happen to me ..!! Maybe .. May not occur to you the above complications ... But requires another type of sacrifice too .. You know what? ... Is to sacrifice a portion of your time in educating yourself .. And work to know the symptoms of the decline in blood sugar, and knowing the symptoms increase blood sugar, and know the signs of dehydration and work for breakfast as soon as you feel threatened one of the complications listed above .. But this process of education is not easy .. Especially to the uneducated and the elderly.
All if you want fast, I hope each person with diabetes fasting acceptable .. And I hope it does not occur to him any complications that might disturb it beautiful spiritual atmosphere of Ramadan, however.!! With diabetes and wants to fast ... To wait for the moment!! To follow these tips and instructions .. Needed .. And to try to take his hand to safety until the end of the month of Ramadan.!! These instructions and treatment plans will be the substance of the second part of this letter with a very important observation is that There are no guarantees for any remedial policy in the month of Ramadan Because medical research related to the fasting month of Ramadan for the very few people with diabetes. And mostly based on the experience .. Any scientific strength is the fifth level (Level-E)..?!!!.
sugary culture