Reasons for the individual to process asylum recidivism.. Impossibility of the possibility of satisfying the motives for the time being the normal way

Reasons for the individual to process asylum recidivism

Process recidivism Resorted to individual if Became impossible possibility to satisfy his motives at the moment, and in the normal way. And tampering Young teenager genital organs are only satisfying sexual motives, when it impossible for him normal sexual gratification with an individual of the opposite sex (by marriage). This tampering is only return to the stage of the child for sexual gratification, Young teenager has already overtaken during the normal stages of growth towards adulthood.

Process is not limited recidivism adults without children ... Because the child is six years old, you may take in bedwetting, or takes into sucking his fingers, or takes a lot of stubbornness and disobedience that saw his brother younger ones, may accounted carefully mother and compassion without, here turned away to his mother throwback Subliminal, hoping to fall ill lost something of tenderness ...

The process of recidivism is a natural process, occurring over time, has indicated the heavenly books so. Individual may benefit from temporary regression in the normal limits in the quest for consensus .. Mature person who turned away in emotion, and unleash its expressions that express themselves in a way that childish crying and shouting, empties energy or charge, if locked created him disrupt tension ... But there is damage to the individual for the setback that is happening to him for a long time .. This damage may appear in cases of mental illness, especially "Schizophrenia", in which we find the patient does not control the Urination or highlighted by groups such as children, whether For same .. The situation up to full nudity, as if the recidivism has reached the stage or before birth..
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