Procedures for the treatment of diabetic foot infections.. Wound Care in the foot even if they are simple

Procedures for the treatment of diabetic

Plantar perforating disease

The neuropathy especially seriously disturbs the statics and the dynamics of the foot, responsible for hyperkeratosis (horn at the points of support), first step which will then cause bleeding (hematomas) in depth and which will leave ulcerations of the skin instead. : it is the plantar perforating disease.

In addition, the occlusion of the arteries in the lower limbs (arteritis) leads to a lack of oxygen in the blood necessary for healing and will therefore greatly aggravate the process.

Unnoticeable foot pain

Like the eyes, the feet are fed by a network of arteries and small vessels that provide muscles and tissues with the oxygen and nutrients they need to function.

Difficult wound healing

In case of arteritis, the arteries of the legs become clogged, decreasing the supply of oxygen to the feet. Result, the wounds extend and do not heal, amputation is then the last resort.

Diabetes: risk of amputation

However, at the origin of an infected wound or gangrene, there is most often: a small injury that could have been avoided and caused by: a shoe (blister due to the friction of a new shoe), a badly cut nail or a callus or "the perforating plantar disease" that we have seen, a true specific complication of neuropathy.

It is accepted that 10% of diabetics are at risk of amputation. It's a lot and a lot at the same time because every year in France, there are nearly 10,000 amputations due to complications of diabetes. We know that many of these amputations could be avoided by more prevention, early diagnosis and appropriate care.

Prevention: keep an eye on your feet!

If you have a foot at risk, a number of good practices are in order:

  • hygiene of the feet, toes and nails,
  • regular visual checks and monitoring (by yourself, a relative or a specialist) of the condition of your feet,
  • care and treatment adapted to the slightest injury or anomaly...
  • In the event of an infected foot, it is necessary to find a balanced diabetes, to stop smoking (because tobacco has effects on blood circulation), to avoid risk factors, etc.
  • Certain hygiene or comfort techniques and utensils (such as hot water bottles, certain nail clippers, etc.) should be avoided because they are not compatible with fragile feet.
  • All these good reflexes will save you a lot of inconvenience and unnecessary pain. You'll keep your feet healthy and prevent serious complications from setting in. Doctors, chiropodists, educational or medical structures (in hospitals or in healthcare networks) can also inform you and train you in these best practices.

Choose your shoes well

Last but not least advice, avoid walking barefoot and pay particular attention to the choice of your shoes. Warning: the feet swell during the day, buy your shoes at the end of the day and put them on gradually so that they fit your foot without hurting you. Don't forget that each foot is different and that it is advisable to have shoes adapted to its morphology, the walking conditions and the state of health of its feet.

What is the wound care treatment for diabetic foot ulcer?

Apply antibiotic ointment after washing to keep the wound moist. Cover the wound with a bandage to control drainage and protect it. Change the bandage and repeat this process every 1-2 days. Keep the pressure off the wound as much as possible and, if recommended, use special shoes/socks.

When you have diabetes proper foot care is very important?

Good foot care (healthy skin, nail care, and proper footwear) is very important for anyone with diabetes, because you have a greater risk of having problems with your feet (such as skin that is dry and cracked, sores, changes in foot shape).

How do you treat diabetic foot problems?

Unfortunately, there's no cure for diabetic neuropathy. But you can take steps to slow the progression of this disease. Your doctor will likely recommend pain medication to help alleviate nerve pain. For mild nerve pain, you can take over-the-counter medications like acetaminophen or ibuprofen.

What is the importance of foot care for diabetics?

Diabetic foot care is essential as diabetes can be dangerous to your feet—even a small cut can produce serious consequences. Diabetes may cause nerve damage that takes away the feeling in your feet. Diabetes may also reduce blood flow to the feet, making it harder to heal an injury or resist infection.

What are the best dressings for diabetic foot ulcer?

1.2 UrgoStart dressings should therefore be considered as an option for people with diabetic foot ulcers or venous leg ulcers after any modifiable factors such as infection have been treated.

What is the best dressing for diabetic foot wound?

Alginate and foam dressings provide high absorbency for moderate to heavy exudate. For a diabetic foot ulcer with dying tissue, hydrogels or dressings with collagen and silver are most effective. Most important is matching the absorptive ability of the wound dressing to the amount of wound drainage.

What is the most important aspect of wound care for a diabetic foot ulcer?

Treating a diabetic foot infection requires proper wound care and appropriate antibiotic therapy[19]. The fundamentals of good clinical care includes adequate frequent debridement, offloading, moist wound care, treatment of infection, and revascularization of the ischemic limb[35].

What is the standard treatment of diabetic foot?

The gold standard for diabetic foot ulcer treatment includes debridement of the wound, management of any infection, revascularization procedures when indicated, and off-loading of the ulcer .
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