Interferons IFN.. Sugary protein substances consist in mammalian cells in response to viral infection, and then launches to alert non-infected cells

 - Sugary protein substances consist in mammalian cells in response to viral infection, and then launches to alert non-infected cells and thus is an important part of the mechanisms of the body's defenses.
- There are 3 types of interferon alpha α - Beta β - Gamma γ And is Article Muaah Every race of animals.
- Interferon protects against many types of viruses
- Produces (makes) interferon by genetic engineering by bacteria when infected with the virus are production Alonterveronat for experimental studies and clinical trials in humans by farm tissues (which are expensive) and is now production Alonterveronat by breeding (Cloning) Ribonucleic acid.
- Mechanism of Action     ß Combine with the cell surface receptors and as a result prevent penetration of the virus of the cell, as well as prevent erosion virus Uncoating And prevent cloning DNAmRNA And spread and can be administered topically or systemically.
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