Intended to test the individual possessing the capacity of prevailing ostensibly to know the composition is prevalent genetic hybrid or cushions pure. This is done Hybridization with individual possessing such recessive (because they always pure) If all members of the first generation carrying capacity prevailing (100% Bags) means that the individual laboratory Bags pure As if half of offspring carrying capacity prevailing and the other half carries such recessive 50% and 50% means that the individual a hybrid laboratory cushions.
When solving genetic following should be observed:
1 - convert any numbers in the matter to the ratios.
2 - If the ratio is 1:1, the one parents hybrid Bags and the other recessive.
3 - If the ratio 3:1, parents Bags hybrid x Bags hybrid.
4 - If the ratio was 100% pillow cushions, parents pure x cushions pure or hybrid or recessive.