** The most important way to prevent your child from drug abuse are: good upbringing upbringing.
** Try to recognize his friends, helped him to choose a good friend, and warned of bad friends.
** Talk to your son and daughter clearly and openly about drugs, and do it early.
** Warned of smoking and its consequences .. And wine and scourge, and drugs evils, and be firm in Inhibition them
* Be a good example for your children .. Do not smoke cigarettes or shisha.
** Encourage your children to play sports and social activities.
* Encourage them to attend workshops teaching the Koran, and to memorize the Book of God.
** Fill their free time as possible including Linsi and benefits them.
* Observe the conditions of your children .. Do not overlook them, not knowing where to go, and how having fun
** Do not leave your children alone at home after school.
** Pay attention to change the behavior of your son, and look for possible signs of drug use; Kalmal to ongoing violence or anger, or depression and introversion, or a rebellious or aggressive behavior, or a contained in school performance.