Repeat pregnancy for the mother infected and to breastfeed baby leads to an increase in the number of children affected by AIDS in the world For the parents to set an example Tayeb through their behavior ..In terms of the special relations.
Ensure sterilization of instruments used in the ears and hole injection and dentist tools and acupuncture and tattoo tools.
And prefer to use single-use tools, although not available sterilized must boil for 5 minutes at least or Bgamsha in alcohol for 15 minutes.
The personal items such as toothbrushes or razors should not participate in it at all Health awareness about the disease is necessary within appropriate limits for the age group and educational level Spare their children the circumstances in which
And prefer to use single-use tools, although not available sterilized must boil for 5 minutes at least or Bgamsha in alcohol for 15 minutes.
The personal items such as toothbrushes or razors should not participate in it at all Health awareness about the disease is necessary within appropriate limits for the age group and educational level Spare their children the circumstances in which
May lead to drug abuse by encouraging them to practice different hobbies and keep them away from bad companions .. Considering that drug abuse is one of the most important reasons for the virus.